Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Six Nations: get the government a calculator

Math is hard for lots of people. I understand that. If McGuinty, Harper and Caledonia MPP Toby Barret are struggling with the numbers I can't blame them but you'd think that with so much money being tossed around they could hire someone to do the adding and subtracting for them. Here are some examples:

MPP Toby Barrett is complaining because the compensation plan for those who live bordering the Reclamation Site is 156 days late. Oh, the injustice. These poor folks built the houses on stolen land and have now had to wait 156 days to get compensated for it. It is unclear exactly what they need compensated for. Yes, there may be some repetitive stress injuries from throwing golf balls and rocks at the people, including women and children at the site. Further injuries could have been acquired from dialing the phone to make false complaints. Where is the compensation for the people who put their lives on hold to fight for their land?

The math is simple. The Six Nations people have been waiting about 59,495 days to get their land back. that is at least 59,339 days more than the Caledonians. Hey Barrett: if you are upset about the government taking too long, you should be demanding Six Nations get their land back, they've been waiting a lot longer.

More numbers: the amounts the negotiators are being paid was unveiled by the Hamilton Spectator recently. Barbra McDougall is paid 1,600 a day plus expenses. Her assistant makes $150 an hour and bills 20-25 hours a month. Through a series of complex mathematical equations, I have calculated that the assistant makes about $3,000 to $3,750 a month. It turns out that it isn't in McDougall's mandate to resolve the land claim. Her job is to get the Natives off the site. The provincial negotiator, Jane Stewart, is making $1,300 a day. If you add all of this up, you spend a lot of money and get a pile of bullshit in return.